The GupTa Lab

Our work, led by Caroline and Snehasish, just got accepted in Nature Methods. The work demonstrates a high-throughout avenue to capture native membrane nanodomains of membrane proteins with nanoscale spatial resolution.
Carolien, our first graduate student, graduated with flying colors. She was also awarded the best Thesis award in Cell Biology
Sofia, BQBS track, and Jaywon, MCGD track, join the lab as new graduate students. We are very excited to have them as new members
Caroline delivered a fantastic talk at the Annual SMALP conference, highlighting her work on capturing snapshots of membrane nanodomains.
Kallol delivered a platform talk at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, in Philadelphia, highlighting the lab's work on developing a native mass spectrometry platform to study the organization of membrane proteins at the membrane
Congratulations to Won for delivering a great talk at the ASMS conference, at Houston, highlighting his work on native top-down proteomics analysis of membrane proteins from the membrane.
Congratulations to Caroline for delivering a fantastic talk at the MS&M conference, Wisconsin Institute of Discovery, Madison, highlighting her work on capturing snapshots of membrane nanodomains.
Kallol delivered the platform talk in the Best in Biophysics symposium, at the Annual Biophysical Society meeting, in San Diego.
Our collaborative work with the Moi Bhattacharyya lab got accepted for publication in Nature Nanotechnology. Congratulations to Gerard/Caroline and M the team. Using native nanodisc, Moi's lab showed how single molecule imaging could bring about nano-scale spatial resolution in determining homo-oligomeric organizations of membrane proteins in the native membranes.
Congratulations to Aniruddha and the Team for publishing their work on JASMS. Extending the membrane vesicle native MS platform, they showed how the method could be used to study lipid specific of a trafficking membrane protein in the different organellar membrane
Our paper in Nature Methods was selected as the June Issue's cover article. Big shout out to Hanna Wang for her cover art design.
Caroline wins the PEO-scholar award. As if it isn't easy enough to win one fellowship/award during grad school, she wins two!!
Our work, led by Aniruddha and the team got accepted in Nature Methods. This work paves the way for determining oligomeric organization and lipid binding to membrane proteins directly from customizable lipid membranes. Applying this platform, he shows how lipid binding regulates synaptic vesicle fusion speed. A big thanks to all the collaborators around the world.
Our Paper in the Biophysical Journal got selected as one of the best papers of 2022! It was further selected for the Best in Biophysics symposium at the Biophysical Society conference in 2023.
Congratulations to Rachel for her stellar score in NIH-NCI F31 in her first try! Special thanks to my colleagues Megan King and Patrick Lusk for running the F31 workshop.
Congratulations to Caroline for delivering a fantastic talk at ASMS 2022.
Congratulations to Aniruddha for the fantastic platform talk at the ASBMB 2022.
Congratulations to Fabian for bagging a lucrative industry job. We are sad to see you go. All the best.
Congratulations to Aniruddha for the Spotlight talk at the Annual Biophysical Society meeting 2022.
Congratulations and best wishes to Anushka, our first post-bac, towards her journey into the world of public health at NYU. The lab will miss you!
A big congratulations to Fabian for his paper in Biophysical Journal. His work showed that. Applying this platform, he shows how lipid binding regulates synaptic vesicle fusion speed. A big thanks to all the collaborators around the world.
A big Congratulations to Anushka and our team of collaborators in the MacMicking lab for their paper in Science. Through CRISPR-Cas9 screens, the MacMicking lab discovered ApoL3 as a potent bactericidal agent protecting non-immune barrier cells. Anushka’s nativeMS, combined with CryoEM and biochemical assays performed by the MacMicking lab show that ApoL3 dissolves the anionic membranes of bacteria into human-bacterial lipoprotein nanodiscs and kills the bacteria.
Congratulation to Anushka and her team of collaborators in the Isaac Lab for their paper in Cell Chemical Biology.